Sunday, March 9, 2014

But even if it were


But even if it were not for these facts , it would suffice that in Albania , in 1930 , were two of the most recognized figures in the world on the Jewish world : Herman Bernstein , former U.S. ambassador to Albania , the author of a book excellent Albanian values ​​and virtues , yet surprisingly invaluable officially by the authorities of this country , and prof . Stanislav Zuber , who is known as the father of geology global oil and gas , the discoverer of the Baku oil-bearing basin , the discoverer of oil-bearing area in the triangle - Patos - Marinza Kucova Albania , compiler of the first geological map of underground treasures of our country , founder of the first geological museum of Albania .
Unfortunately , prof . Stanislav Zuber died in prison in 1947 , almost the same conditions as torture during the Nazi period , without an officially imposed charges , accused of being a bourgeois intellectual , who had abandoned Lenin 's Soviet Union to work for the British - Persian PETROIL Co. . , moreover he had hidden from rare mineral maps of Albania presence of gold .

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