Sunday, March 9, 2014

Moreover , it seems that he does


Moreover , it seems that he does not take threats particularly threatening Obama . He has seen Obama's indecisiveness closely in Syria , which ended with the withdrawal of the limit that he had spoken to Assad's regime retribution if he used chemical weapons .

No doubt he has learned the lessons from major cuts in U.S. defense sector and the extreme sensitivity of Obama 's refusal to fight American voters .

If Putin believes ( as evidently appears to believe ) that Obama will do nothing more than provide an angry swipe , he would not have pishmanllëqe entry into a game known for. Everything that has happened so far seems clean copy of the tactics used to effectively occupied and annexed South Ossetia and Abkhazia in 2008 : manipulation , provoke , create a sense of crisis that prompts calls for help and then send " peacekeepers " Russian .

He also seems not to


He also seems not to be shocked by the 90 -minute telephone conversation that took place between him and Obama after unanimous approval for the use of military Duma . Although the transcript of the conversation is not published , it appears that Obama is trying to encourage Putin to work through an internationally mediated process to ensure the rights of rusishtfolësve or in talks to establish confidence with the Ukrainian government to recognize the special status of Crimea . All this sounds extremely sensitive , but so far has hardly moved from the trajectory that Putin has decided to choose .

The reality is that Putin sees keeping Ukraine within Russia's sphere of influence as a matter of vital national interests , and seem willing to take considerable risks to ensure this .

Work with archives

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Work with archives taught me to write the history of Albania is not a thing that can be finished within a short time - a lesson , I think , that all historians should dinë.Vladimir Putin wasted no more time to show what he thought Barack Obama warning of " consequences " if Russia's military intervention in Ukraine . The prospect of these consequences - Obama cited preparatory work only American suspension for the June summit of eight industrialized nations ( G8) summit in Sochi - does not seem to have caused any panic in the heart of the President of Russia . Within a few hours he sought and received the approval of Parliament to the military occupation " or stabilization force " , as he called Putin . And not only in Crimea autonomous and largely Russian , where Russian troops have already captured the key points , but potentially visible throughout Ukraine .

To date , no action has


To date , no action has been taken gratitude to such a figure , whose findings can be said that has not been surpassed , simply expand the imagination . Zuber was a pillar alive in Baku , while in Albania , where he worked for nearly three decades , providing valuable assistance world , not even the name is known . What do we do to honor the intellectual minds put down in our history discovery in science ? As we will recall such names as yet unwritten history itself gives no light on its pages ? How long will expect others to remind us what should not , be recalled ? History undergoes a permanent rihetimi . New sources emerge - archives , diaries and personal letters , memoirs , eg - Obtain special value that interpretations of historical process and improve rivërtetohen . It is the responsibility of every generation of historians strive to improve the performance of their leaders . And for these , the " leaders " for historians affirm generation , this process should be considered a completely normal thing , as a tribute to a student who must pay the older scholars .

But even if it were


But even if it were not for these facts , it would suffice that in Albania , in 1930 , were two of the most recognized figures in the world on the Jewish world : Herman Bernstein , former U.S. ambassador to Albania , the author of a book excellent Albanian values ​​and virtues , yet surprisingly invaluable officially by the authorities of this country , and prof . Stanislav Zuber , who is known as the father of geology global oil and gas , the discoverer of the Baku oil-bearing basin , the discoverer of oil-bearing area in the triangle - Patos - Marinza Kucova Albania , compiler of the first geological map of underground treasures of our country , founder of the first geological museum of Albania .
Unfortunately , prof . Stanislav Zuber died in prison in 1947 , almost the same conditions as torture during the Nazi period , without an officially imposed charges , accused of being a bourgeois intellectual , who had abandoned Lenin 's Soviet Union to work for the British - Persian PETROIL Co. . , moreover he had hidden from rare mineral maps of Albania presence of gold .

However , even if


However , even if not Einstein never have come to Albania and have not benefited the amenities of this country to escape certain death , nothing changes the fact that in this country came not only Jews random and without any interest Reich un- special . It is well known and often mentioned that Joseph Levi , also known by the name Pepe - Levi , one of the richest people of European Jewish community , lived and developed activities in Vlora . Equally well known Albanian sovereign self Ahmet Zogu carrying around Jewish intellectuals , as court physician Ourinovski , court reporter Weitzman ( the same surname carrying one of the first ex - presidents of USA ) .

Two points of view


Two points of view as naive and so discouraging to seek the truth are : The country had not been Jewish , so Albanians did not see with envy , and , finding the plight day , earning their compassion and solidarity . Another point is that in Albania more Jews came true , but these were insignificant , s'përfaqësonin things were not as Shpilman (remember the movie " The Pianist " ) or as Joklin Norbert , not to make many comparisons . This logic is used to find an explanation why nearly 3,000 Jews to come to this country not provoked disapproving attitude towards them in the local population . Indeed this is a simplification of the problem prapësueshëm .
Queen Geraldine , in an interview given just before death for a cinematic documentary , said that during the royal period , the Albanian state has issued a passport honor Jewish scientist Albert Einstein to ease the path to the free world . History of science scholars have cited indirect evidence that can confirm this fact .
